米国産牛肉の安全性について 再質問

2005年8月22日 収受
*英文と太文字で記述されているものが回答書、 vCJD問題についてはFDAに照会中  (和訳は米国大使館 浜本哲郎氏)


米国農務省 Mike Johanns長官 殿
在日米国大使館 主席農務官 Clay M.Hamilton 殿
食の安全監視・市民委員会 代表 神山美智子
日本消費者連盟 代表運営委員 富山洋子

「米国産牛肉の安全性について 再質問」


1 米国で確認された2頭目のBSE牛の感染経路、同居牛の範囲とその処理結果の詳細、につき、ハミルトン主席農務官は「プライバシーの保護のために発表できないこともある」と述べられたが、米国民、世界の消費者にとって安全性を考えるために必要であるという「公共性」が優先するため、情報公開は必要と思うがどうか。(ちなみに日本では患畜の個体履歴、検査データ、同居牛のデータなどを公開している)(*)(**)
USDA is providing daily updates of the status of the epidemiological investigation on the APHIS website http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/issues/bse/epi-updates/bse-epi_report.html. In brief: The BSE positive cow was born and raised in a herd in Texas and was approximately 12 years old, according to information obtained from the owner. It was sent to a 3D/4D pet food plant in Texas and was selected for sampling on arrival. The animal was non-ambulatory and did not enter the human food or animal feed chain. The remains of the animal were incinerated. Animals that were born the same year as this animal, as well as any born the year before and the year after, as well as any of this animal’s offspring that were born within the last 2 years are being identified and inspected. USDA will also work with the Food and Drug Administration in an effort to determine the feed history in this herd. Given the animal’s age, it was most likely infected by consuming feed prior to the implementation of the ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban in 1997. USDA has completed sorting and inventory of the animals on the index farm and received 67 negative test results from animals of interest from the index farm.
2 米国で疑われている3頭目のBSE牛のデータについても情報を公開されたい。(*)
Statement by John Clifford, Deputy Administrator Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service   August 3, 2005
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa, has determined that the non-definitive test result reported on July 27 is negative for BSE. Tests conducted by the Veterinary Laboratories Agency in Weybridge, England, are also negative for BSE.
NVSL and Weybridge conducted the additional testing after a non-definitive IHC test result was received last week. The initial non-definitive result was caused by artifactual (artificial or untrue) staining and, while this staining did not resemble BSE, we felt the prudent course was to conduct the additional tests.
Needless to say, we are very pleased with these results. I do want to emphasize that the most important protections for human and animal health are our interlocking food-safety protocols. Our enhanced surveillance program is designed to provide information about the level of prevalence of BSE in the United States, which by any measure is extremely low.
3 米国でのBSE牛の今後の発見にとって現在のサーベイランスの方法では十分とはいえないのではないか(***)。サンプリングはランダムに行われているのか、検査された牛の個体情報は公開しているのか(*)。また検査法はIHCだけでは不十分であることをふまえWBも併用すべきだと思うがどうか。(*)
The surveillance program is not randomly performed. The program was designed to test as many cattle from the high-risk population as possible to help define whether BSE is present in the United States, and if so help calculate at what level. In order to reach as many high-risk cattle as possible, samples will be taken from the farm, slaughter facilities, rendering facilities, livestock auctions, veterinary clinics, and public health laboratories.
However, the testing program will also randomly sample apparently normal, aged animals. The sampling of apparently normal animals will come from the 40 U.S. slaughter plants that handle 86 percent of the aged cattle processed for human consumption each year in the United States.
Experience in Europe has shown that testing high-risk cattle is the method most likely to identify BSE if it is present. Therefore, USDA has tailored its testing program to collect the majority of samples from the following categories:
Nonambulatory cattle;
Cattle exhibiting signs of a central nervous system disorder;
Cattle exhibiting other signs that may be associated with BSE, such as emaciation or injury; and Dead cattle.
USDA personnel will also sample all cattle condemned on ante-mortem inspection by USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service.
Additional information on the US’s testing program can be found at: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/lpa/issues/bse_testing/index.html
4 サンプリングをハイリスク牛中心とすることには反対する。牛は育った環境や飼育方法の調査が重視されるべきである。国際調査団のキム団長も、農場の死亡牛も健康に見える牛も含めたサーベイランスを急ぐべきだ、と述べた(***)。
BSE testing at cattle should only be conducted for the purposes of surveillance for disease – to determine if BSE is present in a population, and if so, at what level. It is not appropriate to use testing as a means of assuring food safety. The reason for this is although a positive test means that an animal does have BSE, a negative test does not mean the animal does not have BSE. This is due to the fact that BSE has a lengthy incubation period (the time between when an animal is exposed to the infective agent and when the test can detect it) which may be up to 4 years. Therefore, if an animal is tested during the incubation period, the animal will test negative although it may indeed have BSE. Our consumers would consider it a breach of faith if we allowed the promulgation of something that gives false food safety assurances. The most important measure to protect food safety, is not 100% testing, but the removal of SRMs.
5 全頭検査をしたいと申し出た米国内 のパッカーの提案を政府が拒否した理由は何か。自由競争を重視する米国は民間の提案を受け入れるべきではないか(**)。
Allowing private companies to test for BSE would present false food safety assurances to the US consumers.
Current testing methodology can detect a positive case of BSE approximately 3 months before the animal begins to demonstrate clinical signs. The incubation period for BSE – the time between initial infection and the manifestation of clinical signs – is generally very long, on average about 4 years. Accordingly, there is a long period during which testing an infected animal with the current methodology would, wrongly, produce negative results. This is especially likely if the animal is clinically normal at the time samples are obtained for testing. One estimate is that current test methodology would have a false negative test rate of 92% for clinically normal adult cattle because prion accumulation is lower than the detection threshold (i.e., if 100 BSE-infected adult cattle were tested while clinically normal, 92% of them would test negative even though they were, in fact, infected). If, however, the animal is exhibiting some type of clinical signs that could be consistent with BSE, then the test is much more meaningful and is not likely to produce false negative results. Since current tests only determine the presence of BSE shortly before the likely onset of symptoms, testing apparently normal animals presented for slaughter is not an effective use of the tests, and again, provides no assurance of food safety.
6 SRMの除去を30ヶ月齢以上とする根拠は何か(*)。
The United States shares the international opinion that the removal of specified risk materials (SRMs) is the single most important action that can be taken to protect public health. The US ensures that all Specified Risk Materials (SRMs) including the skull, brain, trigeminal ganglia, eyes, vertebral column, spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia of cattle 30 months of age or older and the small intestine of all cattle are specified risk materials that are prohibited in the human food supply. Tonsils from all cattle are also not allowed in the human food supply. Science indicates that in animals with BSE, these materials harbor the infectious agent before the animal shows any clinical signs of disease.
The US will, however, be removing SRMs, based on the definition used by the Government of Japan, from all animals exported to Japan.
7 飼料規制を徹底し、交差汚染を防ぐためにも、肉骨粉は日本のように全面的に焼却する必要があると考えるがどうか(*)。
There is a scientific consensus that BSE cannot be transmitted through the use of mammalian origin meat-and-bone meal (MBM) tp swine, poultry, or other non-ruminant species. However, firms that handle or produce feed for ruminants and non-ruminants are required to have separate equipment or facilities or have an adequate cleanout process in order to prevent cross-contamination.
The feed ban’s restrictions on the use of mammalian protein apply only to its use in ruminant feed and not to feed for other species. Therefore, mammalian origin meat-and-bone meal (MBM) may be used in feed for swine, poultry, and other non-ruminant species. However, firms that handle material prohibited for ruminants (but allowed for non-ruminants) and also produce ruminant feed are required to have separate equipment or facilities or else have cleanout procedures adequate to prevent cross-contamination. This requirement applies to firms at all levels, from rendering to on-farm mixing. They also are required to clearly label prohibited material as not to be fed to ruminants.
8 7月26日に配布された、読売新聞全面広告「食の安全対談(7月19日付)」において「今年のOIE総会では、たとえBSEに感染していたとしても特定危険部位以外の部位は食べても安全である、ということがはっきりと示されました」(小澤義博氏)とある。しかし、WHOもSRMを除去すれば安全に感染牛が食べられるとは言っていない。また05年5月のOIE総会での結論では「骨なし牛肉を無条件物品とするにあたっては、BSE患畜や疑わしい牛由来ではないこと」「SRMの除去による汚染防止がなされていること」「30ヶ月齢以下の牛由来であること」という条件が付けられた。OIEの正確な基準(05年5月採択)を米国大使館ホームページに掲載する予定はあるか(*)(**)。
9 牛のトレーサビリティの制度化は2009年の目標に向けてどのようなスケジュールで全米へ拡大するのか(*)。
The United States currently has the capacity to trace animals as needed as shown by the identification of the 2 BSE animals and their cohorts. This ability is based on various programs in place since the 1940s that were designed to identify specific animals for different purposes. The USG had already begun developing a National Animal Identification system when the first case of BSE was discovered in December of 2003. This system, which will provide a cohesive method for identifying animals of any given species is to be in place no later than January of 2009. However, it is important to understand that parts of the NAIS are already becoming active, especially for the beef sector. To date, several states, and individual companies have already implemented the NAIS for cattle primarily in order to better be able to export animals to Japan.
米国には、必要に応じて家畜のトレースを可能にすることができる。このことは、2頭のBSE牛とその牛群を特定することができたことによって示されている。これは1940年代から存在している、様々な目的をもって特定の家畜を識別するように設計されたプログラムを基盤にしている。米国政府は、2003年12月に一例目のBSEが発見されて以来、すでに全国動物個体識別制度(NAIS)の開発を行っている。 このシステムによって、すべての種の家畜の識別するための融合的な方法が2009年1月までに提供される。しかし、NAISの一部、特に牛肉業界向けのものは、すでに利用されていることをご理解いただきたい。今日までに、いくつかの州やここの業者が、特に日本への輸出を可能にするためということを念頭に、NAISをすでに実施している。詳しい内容は、(http://animalid.aphis.usda.gov/nais/about/pdf/NAIS_Draft_Strategic_Plan_42505.pdf)で見ることができる。

1 A40という格付けは次のような事情をみれば安全性の保証といえるか疑わしい。8月1日現在、日本の食品安全委員会もBSE問題に関し米国での「生体牛の侵入リスク」「肉骨粉輸入、国内製造と流通にかかわる交差汚染」「サーベイランスの結果」「牛肉」などについて安全性評価をおこなっている。米国産牛肉・内蔵製品のBSEリスクは米国の牛の生産を切り離しては評価することはできず、日本向けの上乗せ基準のみの審議では日本向けの牛肉・内臓製品の安全性を評価することはできないと考える(***)。
2 日米の月齢判定に関する専門家会合を傍聴したが、検討された頭数が3000頭あまりと少ないこと、対照実験やブラインドテストもなされないままでは、日本の研究者が統計学的にもA40という格付けで20ヶ月齢以下のグループを証明する、との結論を下すことには無理があると感じた。05年2月8日の「牛の月齢判別に関する検討会・報告書」においても、結論の「総合的な評価」中、留意点として「A40の評価決定ポイントの明確化、検査官への周知徹底、評価結果の記録と保存」「A40の有効性を確認するための追加的検証又は実施後のフォローアップ」の必要性を述べている。またA40という格付けはすべての牛の種類に適用できないのではないか(***)。これらについて米国政府はより科学的なデータを示されたい(*)(**)。
USDA conducted a detailed study, in consultation with a GOJ Panel of Experts, of the current U.S. fed beef population to determine the relationship between physiological and chronological age of cattle. Upon completion of the study, it was jointly agreed that data from this study indicated that no carcasses evaluated as equal to or less than A40 were from cattle older than 17 months of age. Consequently, limiting meat to that graded as A40 or below will effectively exclude animals equal to or older than 21 months of age from export to Japan. Additional data was collected, analyzed, and accepted by the GOJ Panel in March of 2005, which further confirmed the ability of A40 grading to determine age. As agreed with the GOJ and the GOJ Panel, additional studies will continue to be done to further verify this relationship once imports of US beef have resumed.
3 格付けの確実性の保証はできるのか。一日に多くの頭数を扱うと畜・食肉加工の現場で、いくら研修を受けたからといって担当者が瞬時に肉質などで見分けられるものか疑問である。日本の複数の格付け検査員も現場では十分におこなえないだろうとの発言も聞いた(***)。実効性の確保の手段につき説明されたい(*)。
Meat grading is currently practiced on more than 95% of the cattle slaughtered in the United States based on a program that has been constantly monitored and improved over the past 30 years. Meat Grading and Certification (MGC) Branch employees (i.e., graders) are evaluated/monitored continually on their ability to accurately assign USDA Quality and Yield grades to carcasses. Expert graders must receive more than 4,000 hours of training and are subject to monthly correlations (tests) and audits by their supervisors. Additional measures will be implemented to assure accuracy and precision of certification requirements for qualifying beef for export to Japan. Included in these additional requirements will be a policy in which expert evaluators for the carcass age verification portion of the USDA Export Verification (EV) Program Specified Product Requirements for Beef – Japan must meet performance measures in order to qualify to certify carcasses as meeting the requirements of this program. All carcasses complying with the physiological maturity requirement of the EV program will be uniquely identified and marked once evaluated and approved. These identification marks will remain with the product through processing, packaging, storage, and shipping to insure the integrity of the process and the product.
4 牛の内臓の月齢の仕組みについては、7月26日にハミルトン主席農務官が、「出生記録のある牛を日本向けに出荷する」、「と畜場ごとに内臓の月齢が分かるシステムを作る」と述べたが、その詳細はどのようなシステムとなり、またその検証はどのようになされるのか(*)。
5 米国BSE対策の現状では20ヶ月齢以下の牛肉といえども安全性に不安がある、と考える。日本向けの生産ラインの分離の徹底の保証はどのようにして得られるか。(*)

1 米国ではvCJDの症例は1例だけと断言できるか(*)。
As of December 1, 2003, there had been 153 cases of vCJD reported worldwide-143 reported cases in the United Kingdom; six in France; and one case each in the United States, Canada, Ireland, and Italy. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) leads a surveillance system for vCJD and, to date, has not detected vCJD in any resident of the United States that has not lived in or traveled to the United Kingdom for extended periods of time.
2 ニュージャージー州での16人の大量発症問題について:キャリー・メイハンさん(当時29才)について、診断した、ケース・ウエスタンリサーチ大学のCJD・サーベイランス・センターのガンベッティ博士の再診断はその後下されたのか。全米でのCJDのサーベイランスはどのような状況か。26州でしかCJDの報告義務がないとのことだが、範囲を広げる予定はあるか。(*)
3 カリフォルニア州でのvCJDについて:「カリフォルニア州でvCJDが疑われた症例があり、同州の医師が現在、英国に検体を送り検査中である」との証言があった。それは、2005年5月21日に東京で開かれたBSE問題の集会において、米国連邦政府の農務省大臣補佐次官や消費者問題局次長を務めたロドニー・レオナルド氏の発言である。
また、日本の市民団体「全国食健連」が「BSE問題アメリカ視察団」を組んで調査・ヒアリングを行った中で、2005年6月3日ミネアポリスにおいて全米オーガニック・コンシューマー・アソシエーション(OCA)のRonnie Cummins氏が「アメリカではアルツハイマーで死亡した患者が5万人いる。またヤコブ病で死亡した患者は300人いる。vCJDの疑いがある症例の試料を英国に送って検査をしている」と述べた。

1 日本の牛肉を米国は輸入禁止している理由は何か。BSE対策という点では米国以上に厳しい措置がとられている(*)。
The United States originally banned beef and beef products on March 25, 2000 as a result of a FMD outbreak in Miyazaki. The US was in the process of resuming trade with Japan when Japan discovered its first case of BSE on September 10, 2001. Currently, the USG is in the process of drafting a proposed rule that would allow Japanese beef imports based on OIE guidelines.

連絡先:日本消費者連盟 副代表運営委員 山浦康明
東京都新宿区早稲田町75日研ビル2F 電話 03-5155-4765 Fax 03-5155-4767